The system allows customers to choose between smart and manual thermostat. If the manual thermostat is chosen, the user is in charge of controlling every action performed automatically by the heating system. 

Set up

By default, the thermostat is set to Smart mode. The user can change it to Manual from Settings > Thermostat > Thermostat settings.

Once enabled, the manual schedule can be changed under Settings > Thermostat > Weekly plan.


The Manual Thermostat is supposed to be as simple as possible with the possibility of setting time slots to tailor a heating schedule to your needs by manual action.

In the Weekly Plan screen of the Manual Thermostat you can define up to 8 different time slots and set the temperature for each zone.

The defined schedule can be applied to multiple days with the Apply for days option at the bottom of the screen. The timeslot starting at 00:00 and the timeslot ending at 24:00 are always present. The displayed schedule is pre-set upon installation.

Manual override

The temperature can be set manually by using the temperature slider. In Manual Thermostat mode this means that the temperature for that specific zone will be changed until the start of the next time slot as defined in the weekly schedule. Note that the temperature will change (-4 degrees, or until minimum temperature) during Sleep or Away.